The Foundation operates under the regulations of the Norwegian Foundation’s Act (Stiftelsesloven), strictly independently  from the Laerdal companies. Annual audited accounts and board reports are available at Stiftelsesregisteret in Brønnøysund.

The Board is the Foundation’s highest authority. As regulated by the bylaws the Board is composed of one member nominated by each of the three families of the children of the founder Åsmund S. Laerdal, and four members  elected by the Board to represent relevant research in acute medicine, research and education.

The current board members have declared the following general conflict of interest.

Geir Sverre Braut

Ole F. Nordheim

Theresa Olasveengen

Doris Østergaard

Astrid L. Frøseth

Åge Lærdal

Tore Lærdal







Chairman and shareholder in Laerdal Medical, which has a commercial interest in the field of acute medicine. Shareholder also in the not-for-profit company Laerdal Global Health, which is supporting the Foundation’s commitment to reduction of maternal and newborn mortality. Chairman of SAFER (Stavanger Acute Medicine Foundation for Education and Research).

Beyond this no board member can take part in the consideration of any applications where conflict of interests may apply.

The capital of the Foundation is managed by a separate Investment Committee nominated by the board, and using Grieg Investor as an external advisor.

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